Hey guys! So I’ve been here in Jeffreys Bay for about a week now. Things were a little rough at first when we were at training camp in Georgia, but since then everything has continually gotten better and I thank the Lord for bringing me here. Thank you so much for all of your thoughts and prayers throughout my travel. Please continue to keep me in your prayers as my journey here has just begun.
Jeffreys Bay is absolutely beautiful! The beach is about 4 blocks away and town is just right around the corner. We are staying in cabin type house at this place called U.C.S.A. We have 6 girls in each room and I’m living with Mary, Ashley, Alyssa, Sam, and Ellen. Each one of them is very nice and so far we are all getting along well. Please pray that we would grow together and really be able to form good friendships with one another.
Since arriving in J-Bay we have been very busy. Just this past weekend we went camping at this place called the Bush. It was extremely cold there. We cooked all our meals over fires and had some interesting dishes. We made what is called stick bread…You take bread dough, wrap it around the end of a stick and slowly cook it over a fire until it will just slide off the stick. We also ate meat from an animal like a wild deer. It was different but not too terrible. While at the bush we stayed in these little plywood shacks that had no electricity and no running water. All that was in them was 4 sets of bunk beds and one little window. Soon I will try to put up some pictures of where we were. Also, while at the Bush I had the opportunity to go repelling. It was such a scary but fun experience. The rocks were huge, and it was really high up, but I made it safely down.
Since coming back to J-Bay from the Bush we have began our ministries. I am on a team with Sara Keppinger, Nicole Eckenroth, and Davie Ingram doing house visits. This means we go into the townships and ask the Lord to lead us to people he wants us to speak to. Each day will look very different for us, but basically we are meeting these people where they are at and just loving them like Jesus would. Monday through Friday we will prayer walk through the township together and ask the Lord to open doors for us to build relationships with the people we meet. This is ministry is a stretch for me, but I believe that it will help me to learn to fully rely on the Lord more than ever before. I’m so excited to see what the Lord has in store for our team.
One more quick thing to tell you about and then I’ll be off. At the beginning of October my whole of about 54 will be traveling to Summerset East to put on a program called Beat The Drum. This is a program to raise awareness on the AIDS epidemic here in Africa. We will be there for a whole week doing different outreaches with the people in the town. Each member of our team will be staying in a house with a family in Summerset East and ministering to them. But our team is currently about $1500 short of the amount we need to put on this program. I would like to ask all of you to pray about it and if you feel led to support you could send some money in to AIM, but make sure you label it for Beat The Drum.
Thanks for reading this guys. I hope things at home are going well. I miss you guys, and will update soon.